• Mood Swings

Mood Swings

Mood swings are sometime just a bad mood. That's life. But sometimes, they are a symptom of an underlying problem. Perhaps they are due to exhaustion, stress, or depression. Maybe it's a hormone imbalance, perimenopause or PMS.

It’s important to see a doctor if your mood swings interfere with your day-to-day enjoyment of life or inability to be at your best. We can help.

What are mood swings?

It is common to develop a bad mood from time to time. Life sometimes just gets overwhelming. With so much to do, you don’t feel like doing anything. Sometimes you just want to crawl into bed and disappear. Sometimes you lose your temper or start crying for no reason. Mood swings associated with a bad mood or exhaustion, as well as those related to a medical disorder or health condition, can be similar.

However, the mood swings related to a disorder or health condition can also come off more intense, last longer, and interfere with your life — including work, family, love life and friends. That is why it’s important to stay in tune with your emotions and recognize these changes in how you feel.

Symptoms of mood swings linked to mood disorders include:

  • Irritability, aggression, or hostility
  • Feeling sad, empty, or anxious for no apparent reason
  • Appetite or weight changes
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Difficulty concentrating

Mood disorders tend to increase your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, and other diseases. It’s important to seek medical assistance at Pasadena Pellet Therapy before complications occur.

What diagnoses can cause mood swings?

It’s not uncommon for the doctors at Pasadena Pellet Therapy to diagnose you with a mood disorder if you have prolonged or chronic mood swings. The most common types of mood disorders include:

Major depression is characterized by at least two weeks of feeling less interest in your usual activities, as well as mood swings that leave you feeling sad or hopeless.

Dysthymia is suffering from chronic mood swings that last for at least two years and have you feeling depressed or irritable.

Bipolar disorder You experience mood swings that lead to periods of depression that alternate with periods of euphoria.

Mood disorder resulting from another health condition Many chronic medical illnesses like cancer, injuries, and infections can trigger mood swings and depression.

Substance-induced mood disorder Mood swings and symptoms of depression that result from medication, drug abuse or dependence, alcoholism, exposure to toxins, or other forms of medical treatment.

How are mood swings treated?

Choosing the right treatment plan for your mood swings is determined based on your individual needs and medical situation. The doctors at Pasadena Pellet Therapy may prescribe medications, including antidepressants and hormones — however, psychotherapy or counseling is also an option. It’s also common for them to recommend a combination of the two methods.

For assistance controlling your mood swings, call Pasadena Pellet Therapy in Pasadena, California.

Get help with managing or eliminating your mood swings